This Exciting, Medium
An introduction to ATV Midlands

Fingers on the Midland Pulse

We in ATV are very proud that for five days a week we are Independent Television in the Midlands.
It is a great privilege to operate from Birmingham, the industrial capital of the United Kingdom.
We are proud too, of those who serve ATV in the Midlands. Under the lively leadership of Philip Dorté we have a fine team of enthusiasts and experts. Working with them we aim to give as much enjoyment as possible, over as wide a range as possible — light-hearted, serious and moderately serious.
We believe that the purpose of television is to give entertainment and relaxation. We have tried to carry out that purpose since we first started in Birmingham in February, 1956.
We shall continue this endeavour to the utmost of our ability, and to bring to the development of the still new, still very exciting, medium of television the benefits of each new advance in the science of communication and each fresh ingenuity of the human mind.
About the author
Chairman of Associated TeleVision Limited