Stimulate the imagination – enrich experience


Schools broadcasting from ATV


Behind the formation of ATV’s Educational Television Service lie many years of research and development in the production and use of film for all forms of education and training. The Advisory Committee includes Directors of Education for Midland counties and teachers’ representatives. The Chairman is Sir John Masterman, O.B.E., M.A., sometime vice-chancellor of the University of Oxford.

The Advisory Committee decided that ATV’s schools programmes should concentrate on subjects and age groups which had not been covered already by schedules of other ITV companies or by the B.B.C.

W Hemingway, Midlands Education Liaison Officer and a class of schoolchildren.

They felt that, ideally, schools TV programmes should aim to stimulate the imagination and enrich experience by providing the material which is not otherwise available to teacher or pupil. TV presentation is well suited to creation in the classroom of that particular atmosphere which is the essence of a foreign country.

ATV’s first two school series were devoted to the French language. “French from France” is designed for third-year and fourth-year students of French and is recorded entirely in France by an ATV outside broadcast unit. Its purpose is to capture the true flavour of France by a combination of acting and on-the-spot reporting.

“Ici La France”, designed for Sixth Forms, provides background material to supplement advanced studies. All the programmes are produced in France; each presents a different aspect of the traditions or literary heritage of France.

The French broadcasts are supplemented for the current school year by courses on “Movement” (Physics Biology), “Auf Deutsch”, and “Chemistry for Sixth Forms”.

About the author

Midlands Education Liaison Officer

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